UK 18m and 20m Nationals 2019

Husbands Bosworth, Royaume-Uni,   13 juillet 2019 – 21 juillet 2019


1 2C Kim Tipple 3 908
2 80 Andrew Davis 3 905
3 F2 Derren Francis 3 874
1 D66 Matthew Cook 2 198
2 A1 Anthony Moulang 1 886
3 16 Jonathan Arnold 1 870

Airspace Files

Airspace files have now been added to the Downloads area. There is the file that will be used for airspace checking in scoring (for information purposes only - I don't recommend using this for flying as it excludes/demotes advisory information such as obstacles, HIRTA, GVS, ILS feathers etc). There is also a file including all the advisories (but not unlicensed airfields, gliding airfields and microlight airfields). Use at your own discretion! Ideally, generate your own files to your requirements using ASSelect. The relevent 'Extra' options for ASSelect are: DAVENTRY BOX, NUCLEAR EXEMPTIONS, SILVERSTONE (12-14 JULY), SILVERSTONE (14 JULY), FAIRFORD RIAT FLYPAST (19-20 JULY), YEOVILTON (12-13 JULY), DUXFORD (13 JULY) and FAIRFORD RIAT (17-21 JULY).


I have converted the airspace txt file to a CUB file and put it onto the airspace download area, it has all the R(A)T for the week in one file. Please use at ypour own discretion.


Colin Davey


Ecrit par : HB Scorer le 6 juillet 2019 à 17:40.
Edité par : Colin Davey le 8 juillet 2019 à 14:39.

Updated Local Rules

Updated local rules are available in the downloads section
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Ecrit par : Colin Davey le 29 juin 2019 à 07:20.

Local rules now published

Please look in the Adittional Downloads section for the 18/20m Local Rules
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Ecrit par : Colin Davey le 12 juin 2019 à 07:35.

Turn point files for 18m and 20m National

There is a TP file uploaded for the competition. please use this file for the competition as this will be used for scoring and it includes the finish ring TP - HBX    
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Ecrit par : Colin Davey le 20 mai 2019 à 14:04.
Edité par : Colin Davey le 20 mai 2019 à 14:08.

Welcome to the 18/20 metre Nationals

Welcome to the 18/20 metre nationals at Husbands Bosworth. This year we will be using Robocontrol to do all the admin. You should all have recied an email with your login details, so please can you logon to the system and pay your deposit by 15 March 2019.  We will also be usig Robocontrol for the pre-registration service, so please can you enter all you glider details before the competition Link to Robocontrol below: Thank you   Colin Davey Comp Director
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Ecrit par : Colin Davey le 10 février 2019 à 08:04.

Dernier vainqueur

1. Kim Tipple 80,49 km/h
2. Russell Cheetham 80,37 km/h
3. Gary Stingemore 79,76 km/h
Mise à jour : 10/10/2019 17:36
1. Jonathan Arnold 52,52 km/h
2. Timothy Clark 47,64 km/h
3. Stephen Barter 179,86 km
Mise à jour : 07/10/2019 14:32

Dernière épreuve

Epreuve 6, 21 juil. 2019
Distance de l'épreuve : 186,60 km
Mise à jour : 21/07/2019 16:07
Epreuve 7, 21 juil. 2019
Distance de l'épreuve : 179,87 km
Mise à jour : 21/07/2019 16:06

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