Italy,   August 5, 2013 – August 16, 2013

8 agosto

Ieri ci sono stati cinque fuoricampo di cui uno, Andrea Faggioni (1W), è stato oggetto di interesse per molta gente che era lì nei pressi e anche di un giornalista che lo ha intervistato, lo potete vedere qui:

 Oggi hanno volato solo le classi: club, 15m e standard dato che i decolli sono slittati alle ore 14 per scarsa attività termica alla partenza. Per questi fortunati piloti, però, è stata una giornata memorabile: Richy ha fatto 180Km/h di media per i primi 300km! C’era convergenza tra il Morrone e il Vettore, strade di cumuli con basi fino a 3400m, zone con valori di salita a fondo scala.  

Da Norcia a Nocera Umbra c’è stato chi ha faticato molto a tenersi in quota.

Yesterday we had five outlandings: Faggioni (1W) has broken the landing gear and was the subject of interest for many people who were in there, also a journalist interviewed him, you can see / articolo_view.asp? article_id = 368835
Today flew only classes: club, 15m and standard, take-offs have slipped at 14.00pm because of the poor thermal activity at the start. For these lucky pilots though, it was a memorable day: Richy did 180km / h average for the first 300km! There was convergence between the Morrone and Monte Vettore, long line of cumulus with bases up to 3400m, areas with values ​​rising to full scale.
Anyway, from Norcia to Nocera Umbra some pilots worked hard to keep in altitude.
Tomorrow day of rest: there is a perturbation coming already on the field. Bye, Clara

Written on August 8, 2013 at 7:48 PM.

Latest winner

1. Andrea TOMASI 74.34 km/h
2. Lucio BORDIN 71.57 km/h
3. Rudolf SCHNEIDER 58.66 km/h
1. Reinhard HAGGENMULLER 86.70 km/h
2. Ben FLEWETT 86.49 km/h
3. Owen McCORMACK 85.31 km/h
1. Dane DICKINSON 89.64 km/h
2. Leigh WELLS 87.79 km/h
3. Riccardo BRIGLIADORI 87.54 km/h
1. Louis BOUDERLIQUE 100.05 km/h
2. Geoff TABBNER 96.68 km/h
3. Peter HARTMANN 91.75 km/h
1. Aldo CERNEZZI /+1 88.62 km/h
2. Mauro BRUNAZZO 94.50 km/h
3. Dirk REICH /+1 91.81 km/h

Latest task

Task 10, Aug 15, 2013
Task distance: 131.10 km  /  398.28 km  (261.90 km)
Task duration: 2:30:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:43 AM
Task 10, Aug 15, 2013
Task distance: 131.10 km  /  398.28 km  (261.90 km)
Task duration: 2:30:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:43 AM
Task 10, Aug 15, 2013
Task distance: 131.10 km  /  398.28 km  (261.90 km)
Task duration: 2:30:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:43 AM
Task 9, Aug 15, 2013
Task distance: 131.10 km  /  398.28 km  (261.90 km)
Task duration: 2:30:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:43 AM
Task 9, Aug 15, 2013
Task distance: 131.10 km  /  398.28 km  (261.90 km)
Task duration: 2:30:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:43 AM